Thursday, February 27, 2020

(Name of film) is valuable (or not valuable) in the study of 20th Essay

(Name of film) is valuable (or not valuable) in the study of 20th century America because (fill in reason) - Essay Example ils the only criminal case in the country that charged anyone with conspiracy in the death of the president or called into question the results of the Warren Commission. At the same time, it takes a look into the personal life of Garrison as he dealt with both internal and external pressures in bringing this case to trial. With the depth of the movie’s explorations, it is possible to deduct some of the more important socio-political movements of the time period in which it is set. Because of the way in which he goes about detailing the development of various theories as to what happened that afternoon in Texas, Stone’s interpretation makes it clear in a very public way that at the least, the Warren Commission could not have been correct in its findings when it ruled a lone gunman achieved the death of a president. Up to the release of the movie, Americans were falling asleep regarding the details behind the assassination, but with its release, they once again asked the questions that had remained unanswered since the House Select Committee on Assassination Report was released in 1979 (Renner, n.d.). This public reaction eventually led to the release in 1994 of some documents associated with the Warren Commission’s report. Oliver Stone’s JFK is valuable in the study of 20th century America because it re-examines a nation-changing event, asking the questions that had been almost forgotten and never answered. Despite his insistence that he is not trying to portray a historically factual documentary regarding the assassination, Stone utilizes several real-life players in depicting his version of events. Key among these is President Kennedy himself. By refusing to recast the president, Stone not only proves his talent as a director working with limited available footage, he provides a sense of reality into the story. When he uses the Zapruder film, Stone is able to inject a somber mood of reflection as audiences realize this is the actual event and not

Monday, February 10, 2020

This is about International Relations Theory look assignment criteria Essay

This is about International Relations Theory look assignment criteria please - Essay Example However, the formerly mentioned one guided the world towards taking strong and precisely designed military action in order to neutralize the powerful state of that time. The debate was famous for happening in the mid of 1930s and 40s (Jackson & Sorensen 2013). The idealist scholars and theorists urged the world to converge and consequently resolve their issues with the help of international institutions and the elementary argument of this school of thought was the needed growth of economic and fiscal interdependencies so that econometric interests of the entire world can be streamlined. The modern world of international business is representing the practical application of historical idealist theory because nationality was believed to be the base of every war and therefore, internationalization of economic world forces the national level management towards collaboration with other countries and as a result, the traditional animosities of nations are known to degrade because greater l evel of globalization is taking place in the global marketplace. The nations are primarily busy in developing national level competitive advantage. The growing economic pressures in the global market are identified as the primary force that is compelling the nations to grow their collaborative efforts with other economies. The challenges of terrorism and global unemployment and recession are few instances of confronts that require global integration of resources’ deployment. Thusly, it can be argued that violent wars cannot be stopped by supporting more violence but they can be controlled via promoting trade and business because these measures have the power required to impress the humanity with fruits and benefits of collaborative existence and finally, the time is not far away when humans will embrace the idea of global citizenship. Q.2 The notion of unipolarity states that one nation or region will accumulate the power and strength to influence the cultural and value-based outlook of the entire world. The bipolarity and multipolarity tend to establish that human civilizations have different culture and societal realities and therefore, their populations’ mindset are notably different from each other. The difference in cultural norms is significantly noted to be present in case of personal and private values (Jackson & Sorensen 2013). But, corporate culture all around the world is exhibiting Americanization and therefore, the law of effort is prevailing in all parts of the world. Still, few regions are trying to keep their cultural outlook and identity intact. The cultural experts are of the view that they will eventually fail as globalization is going to eat away each and every cultural and normative difference across cultures and nations while, leaving the world with a common culture in a few decades. Therefore, according to modern way of thinking, unipolarity will become a norm in the near future and because of this reason, national and regi onal level conflict will further degrade. In this way, humans may learn to live peacefully as cultural differences are believed to be the major causes of conflict in humanity’s history. Q.3 The liberals believe that democratic governments come into power due to public’s voting authority and therefore, they are well aware of the fact that they are needed to go back to the masses in order to get support in the next election. The need to win the subsequent elections causes the