Saturday, December 21, 2019

Young People, sexuality and relationship Essay - 873 Words

Young People, sexuality and relationship So what should teens be taught about sex? In the article, â€Å"Young People, Sexuality and Relationships,† by Peter Aggleton, the author describes how sex isn’t used as something great in a relationship but gives the true reasons teens are having sex. The article was published in the year 2000 in the Journal of Sexual and Relationship Therapy. This article was published to explain to young people some of the consequences of having sex. More young people are having sex these days without looking at what really can happen. Aggleton shows an overview of the pregnancies, STD’s, and other emotional things that can stick with someone the rest of their lives. Aggleton shows teens the truth about sex†¦show more content†¦Besides the woman having the child also takes in more abuse from the male. They too are at the same risk of catching the STD’s they weren’t aware of. More often they spend the rest of their life living in poverty trying to raise a child all alone. They tend often to not get the same choices of the male when it comes to the choices they want in life. Males see sex as something that needs to be done to become a man. They are also getting caught up in the pressure of hearing about other kids their own age having sex then feel embarrassed because they haven’t experienced it yet. Most of the time children do not take the time to look into the risks they are facing when making these decisions. Aggleton also talks about how most of the time neither males nor females are getting the proper teaching they should, even if they do have classes. Many adults and especially teachers think this is an uncomfortable topic to talk about so they won’t cover the issue for as long as they should. Many males in a class when they hear the word sex get nervous so they tend to joke around and not take the message in which disrupts the teacher and establishes an uncomfortable feeling also which affects everyone. The one point Aggleton points out that what will help to teach younger children is listening to what they have to say and don’t judge them. Two of the biggest issues AggletonShow MoreRelatedComprehensive Reality-Based Sexuality Education Essay549 Words   |  3 PagesComprehensive Reality-Based Sexuality Education What is comprehensive, reality-based sexuality education? True comprehensive, reality-based sexuality education seeks to assist young people in understanding a positive view of sexuality, provide them with information and skills about taking care of their sexual health, and help them acquire skills to make decisions now and in the future. 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