Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I Am Working At A Child Care Center - 1348 Words

Philosophy Early childhood is a field I see myself staying in for a long time. I am currently working at a child care center, and enjoy learning about the different ways to run a center and the new information available to us. I have worked at two child care centers, and while the curriculum and rules are different, the goal of having the best quality of service for the parent is the same. Providing for parents and wanting the best for every student by having staff who wants to work and wants to do everything they can to supply the best for children is how to deliver quality care. After finishing school, I would like to open up my own child care center. By creating a safe, fun, and loving environment for children, they are able to learn, grow, and develop, in the best possible way. Jean Piaget stated children think differently from adults, before they are able to think like them, they must first go through four cognitive development stages; sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete op erational, and formal operational. People think differently from each other and have their own learning process. If we know adults have their own thinking, then we also need to realize the same thing about children. Children think and learn differently from each other, and with limited knowledge about their environment, will not have the same problem solving skills as someone older. I believe as educators, we should not try to change a child’s thinking or try to influence them. They must beShow MoreRelatedMy Philosophy Toward Child Development876 Words   |  4 PagesI will need to develop an Operating Budget considering many things, including caregiver salaries, cleaning supplies cleaning services, leasing agreement, utilities (gas, water, sewer, electricity), learning supplies and other expenses. My plan needs to be successful and efficient. There is a need to prepare and employee handbook with specific rules and policies in regard to attendance, timely arrival, pay sched ule, a procedure to request time off and employee discipline procedures, staff certificationRead More Mothers That Work Essay1272 Words   |  6 Pages The Effects of Working Mothers on their Children nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;One mother expresses her personal experience and opinion on the effects of her employment on the children â€Å"I am happy to see support for the mom who wants to work outside of the home. 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